Monday, January 10, 2011

Changes all around for the New Year! (17 Weeks)

Hello All!
It has been a little while and we are due for another update! I can feel the changes happening in my body every day. I've started getting "butterflies" in my belly whenever the bean does a somersault and the weight in my abdomen is becoming increasingly noticeable. I wanted to wait and make sure all that was going to change did and all was good and settled before I wrote about it :)

The biggest change?
Our Midwife, Holly, was experiencing some unforeseen circumstances and called to tell us she was on her way back to TEXAS the day before our next appointment. Alex and I were stressed out for about five minutes and then called the midwifery that we had been hearing about since we signed up with Holly. Mountain View Midwives is run by Brynne Potter and Deren Bader and have recently added a third midwife, Debbie Wong, to their growing practice. They are all super qualified and amazingly beautiful human beings. We fell in love at our first meeting with them last week.

The next semi-big change:
Remember those Bradley Classes we were going to start taking? Well, at our first meeting, our new teacher, Jenny McManus, told the group of us that she had just written in her letter of resignation to the Bradley Method people...but not all was lost, just a small shift. As it turns out, a group of Bradley teachers got fed up with the lack of desire that the Bradley folk had for updating their research, workbooks and general information for the students and branched off to start a new and improved method called Brio Birth. This is not a radical change from the old teachings, the basis is still the same, they just brought it into the 21st century, which I am thrilled about! Who wants to learn with outdated research and workbooks? Not me!

Other Changes:
Our minds are transforming from thinking that I am pregnant to thinking about having a baby, having a human growing inside :) This trasition really took place for me when Brynne showed us a life-size picture of how big our little bean has grown so far, at 16 weeks. We had no idea that it could be so big, so fast! This picture doesn't do the situation justice because you all have no reference to go from but to me, it looked like the baby was about 8-9 inches long...that's huge!

We got to find the heartbeat again (what a relief after having to wait three more weeks, a total 7, since Holly backed out). Brynne explained that the bliping sounds every so often was the doppler picking up on the baby moving. It made the noise so often, I asked her what was going on in there and she said,"The Bean is swimming." Hilarious! She gets us :)

I am excited to say that my nausea is 99% gone and I don't fit in my jeans anymore! Sweats for now, until I am big enough to fit in the maternity clothes that I bought (thanks for the gift card MarMar!)

My friend Nancy and I have started going to prenatal yoga together, which is so great! The classes are taught by a dear friend of mine, Ursula Goadhouse.

That's everything for now! Thanks for checking in! 
Love and peace to all of you in this, the most exciting of New Years!


  1. Wow! So many changes but they all seem like they worked themselves out for the best, and quickly! That's fantastic. I love the yoga pics :)

    Don't forget about some belly progress shots!

    Love you two,

  2. Yes! Everything has worked out for the best, as it always has a way of doing :) Belly progress shots will start appearing as soon as my Buddha belly gets out of the way! LOL, maybe some around the end of this trimester :)

    Love you too Becca!

  3. My friend just had a baby back in October and she said she found wearing a size or two bigger than she normally was worked out great for clothing. She got tons of great things at Target and even Goodwill.

    So excited to follow you on your journey through this blog. *squee*

  4. Hello I just ran in to your blog trying to find out what happened to Holly the CNM! I was So excited to find her website because she was just the type of midwife I was looking for! After I google searched her name trying to see why a for rent sign was on her office, I found your blog. We seem to have a lot in common....and I just wanted to say I had a good time reading your different posts. I will be looking forward to hear more about your new midwives because i'm having a hard time finding one for when I decide to have my second child. Also I will leave you my e-mail address because I hand crochet , %100 Organic Cotton, infant/toddler hats and accessories. I don't really have a business or anything but I'm happy to make things upon request. I hope you have a blessed pregnancy, and best of luck with everything!


  5. Thanks for reading, Melanie! I hope your search goes well :) Best of luck to you.
