Monday, December 6, 2010

A letter to all that plan to love this baby...

Dearest Loved Ones and Friends,

One of our many goals to come for our first child is for him/her to be as happy and healthy as we as parents can strive to ensure. In this light, we have decided to go with some nontraditional methods in many areas of the entire process that lies before us. We beseech the support of all of those around us in order to be successful in our efforts.

We will try our darnedest not to find out the sex of the baby until we meet face to face :) Because of that, our choice of colors are limited to my favorites: Green, Yellow and White! Yea!

We hope to be having a completely natural, drug-free home water birth in Crozet, VA with the help of Holly Shearman, our Midwife.

We will be cloth diapering our baby for health, ecological and economical reasons among others.

In trying to nourish this little soul, we will try to keep him/her out of direct contact with anything that is treated with, made with or contains harmful chemicals, BPA, horomones, steroids, unnatural ingredients or products. We ask that all gifts be as natural, organic and as close to the earth as possible.

In the spirit of reusing and recycling, please feel free to use resources like Craig's List, Ebay, Free Cycle USA, and Another great resource for information on the subject is Although we understand that items obtained from the above sources may not mesh with the "Organic" scene that we are trying to create, they will keep us from having to support the mad consumerism and pollution that we contribute to when we buy new items. Things like nipples, and teething toys should be purchased new for obvious reasons :)

Please know that we have not always thought this way, we have not always purchased organic cotton clothes, eaten organic food, or only bought natural wood furniture made in the US. We have only recently (the past few years) started really paying attention to how our actions and choices affect our health and the health of the planet our children have to live on. We are especially trying to be more aware of our choices now that they will directly affect another life.

Think me a freak all you want, but I have been preparing for this event for some time now. I have been collecting/hording/stashing gently used baby items from friends, yard sales and lots from Craig's List. Having a baby is a huge financial undertaking for everyone involved, so I started early...what!?! On that note, not to sound at all persnickety, but please ask me to see what I have already or check our baby registry to see what we still need :)

Thank you all so much for the overwhelming support that we know you will be giving us :) We love you dearly!


  1. Well put! I love how organized you are!

  2. Nicely stated, Margot. Let me know if you are looking for any other diapers besides the Cloth-eez PF's, I'd love to help out!

  3. I have a friend who has down TWO waterbirths now. If you'd like, I could get her email or something and put you in touch with her about them.

    Hats off to you for getting prepped up nice and early. I am thrilled for you and wish you all the best in this.

    Congrats and I am following your epic journey so I can pester you with questions I finally head down that road. heeheehee
